So getting back to the people I came across in this new place. There are two categories.
Number One- The people I ran away from, that I had mentioned earlier.
Number Two- The people I became friends with, about whom I will tell now.
A few days before I left the old place in March, a new girl moved into my room. At that point of time my mind had already drowned in the ocean of negativity. I got an impression that all the girls are bad. So I decided that I won't initiate any conversation with this new girl. I had just returned from my office that evening, and I saw her sitting on her bed talking to someone on a call. She had her shoes on, which was enough to upset me a bit, as I had mopped the floor that morning.
I interrupted her for a minute and requested her to remove her shoes and keep it where I kept mine after she was done with the conversation. She nodded and said okay and got back to talking on her cell.
I got fresh and continued with my daily activities, like making tea and relaxing for a while and then cooking dinner and chatting away with my family on phone. Till then she was sitting with the other two crackpots and chit-chatting. She seemed to be getting along well with them. I was worried about having a potential crackpot in my room!
After an hour or so she came in and started unpacking her things. I asked her name, just out of courtesy. She said her name was Lily. She asked mine. Then we inquired about each other's job. She said she was in Mumbai for an internship which would last for two months. She said she was a second year MBA student.
I don't know how, but we started talking. I asked her about her family and her college. She told me a lot about it. I came to know her real name was Lalita. And I too told her a lot about myself. Soon she was sitting next to me and showing me pictures of her home, college, family and friends on her laptop. And that night we chatted away till 4 a.m. in the morning. OMG!!! I couldn't believe it! I got through her. Soon, I realized that she wasn't bad at all. In fact, she was awesome!
After a couple of days, we became good friends. We used to talk and laugh a lot together. It was actually a bliss having Lily with me, because my mind was already messed up big time and stressed out after coming to Mumbai. Things were now getting better.
One day, I insisted Lily to come with me to my home for a weekend. And she was more than happy. So on a Saturday we left for my home after office. We had fun during the journey. When we reached home, we freshened up and had lunch. Mmmmmm, there is no match for home-cooked food. We ate till our heart's content. I had an appointment with my dentist that evening. Dad planned we all will go out for dinner too. Till the time I introduced Lily to my neighbors and my friends. We played with the baby Shagun who lives next door. She is my sweetheart. We clicked pictures too.
We reached my dentist's clinic in the evening. Lily looked around and I told her many a things about my treatment and all. My turn came soon. We both went in. Lily put of the flash of her cell phone's camera and silently took pictures when my dental check up was going on. I noticed her dare-devilry from the corner of my eye. I was about to burst into laughter but somehow controlled myself, thinking that my dentist won't like all this non-sense (Non-sense for him, fun for us).

So after my appointment was over, we stepped out and laughed incessantly. We were waiting for my dad to come. By the time we went in the chocolate shop and had a pastry and a chocolate. We clicked pictures there too. Eating less and laughing more. It was like hysteria.
Soon Dad came and off we went for dinner. We had Chinese food, that's our all time favorite. Oh God! We were so stuffed!
Then we went home and had tea and Lily told more about herself to my Mom and Dad. I was too tired. I went to bed. I woke up at 12 in the afternoon next day. Lily and my younger sister, whom we lovingly call Tillu were chatting till 5 in the morning and still sleeping.
Lol! they were looking so cute!
Mom, Dad and Tillu just loved Lily! Tillu especially... as she really had nice time chatting away with her all night long. Soon it was time to go back to Mumbai and resume with our work.
So did we... We came back with one of the sweetest memories...
We still had great time in Mumbai....till she finished with her internship and went back to Kolkata. But we are still in touch, in spite of all the distances and being busy with our lives...
Not only she made my days better, but also changed my perception about people in a big way...
When I recall the day I first met her and when I was thinking I won't talk, I can't believe that person has become a great friend now!
She taught me a lot through her experiences...I learnt how the world works. She made me capable and mentally strong enough to accept the fact that there exists a mix of good and bad people in the world. But you just can't run away from the people you don't like. You have to deal with them, and in such a manner that I works in your favor. She made me realize I too can do this, making best out of worst.
Lessons learnt:
So getting back to the people I came across in this new place. There are two categories.
Number One- The people I ran away from, that I had mentioned earlier.
Number Two- The people I became friends with, about whom I will tell now.
A few days before I left the old place in March, a new girl moved into my room. At that point of time my mind had already drowned in the ocean of negativity. I got an impression that all the girls are bad. So I decided that I won't initiate any conversation with this new girl. I had just returned from my office that evening, and I saw her sitting on her bed talking to someone on a call. She had her shoes on, which was enough to upset me a bit, as I had mopped the floor that morning.
I interrupted her for a minute and requested her to remove her shoes and keep it where I kept mine after she was done with the conversation. She nodded and said okay and got back to talking on her cell.
I got fresh and continued with my daily activities, like making tea and relaxing for a while and then cooking dinner and chatting away with my family on phone. Till then she was sitting with the other two crackpots and chit-chatting. She seemed to be getting along well with them. I was worried about having a potential crackpot in my room!
After an hour or so she came in and started unpacking her things. I asked her name, just out of courtesy. She said her name was Lily. She asked mine. Then we inquired about each other's job. She said she was in Mumbai for an internship which would last for two months. She said she was a second year MBA student.
I don't know how, but we started talking. I asked her about her family and her college. She told me a lot about it. I came to know her real name was Lalita. And I too told her a lot about myself. Soon she was sitting next to me and showing me pictures of her home, college, family and friends on her laptop. And that night we chatted away till 4 a.m. in the morning. OMG!!! I couldn't believe it! I got through her. Soon, I realized that she wasn't bad at all. In fact, she was awesome!
After a couple of days, we became good friends. We used to talk and laugh a lot together. It was actually a bliss having Lily with me, because my mind was already messed up big time and stressed out after coming to Mumbai. Things were now getting better.
One day, I insisted Lily to come with me to my home for a weekend. And she was more than happy. So on a Saturday we left for my home after office. We had fun during the journey. When we reached home, we freshened up and had lunch. Mmmmmm, there is no match for home-cooked food. We ate till our heart's content. I had an appointment with my dentist that evening. Dad planned we all will go out for dinner too. Till the time I introduced Lily to my neighbors and my friends. We played with the baby Shagun who lives next door. She is my sweetheart. We clicked pictures too.

So after my appointment was over, we stepped out and laughed incessantly. We were waiting for my dad to come. By the time we went in the chocolate shop and had a pastry and a chocolate. We clicked pictures there too. Eating less and laughing more. It was like hysteria.
Soon Dad came and off we went for dinner. We had Chinese food, that's our all time favorite. Oh God! We were so stuffed!
Then we went home and had tea and Lily told more about herself to my Mom and Dad. I was too tired. I went to bed. I woke up at 12 in the afternoon next day. Lily and my younger sister, whom we lovingly call Tillu were chatting till 5 in the morning and still sleeping.
Lol! they were looking so cute!
Mom, Dad and Tillu just loved Lily! Tillu especially... as she really had nice time chatting away with her all night long. Soon it was time to go back to Mumbai and resume with our work.
So did we... We came back with one of the sweetest memories...
We still had great time in Mumbai....till she finished with her internship and went back to Kolkata. But we are still in touch, in spite of all the distances and being busy with our lives...
Not only she made my days better, but also changed my perception about people in a big way...
When I recall the day I first met her and when I was thinking I won't talk, I can't believe that person has become a great friend now!
She taught me a lot through her experiences...I learnt how the world works. She made me capable and mentally strong enough to accept the fact that there exists a mix of good and bad people in the world. But you just can't run away from the people you don't like. You have to deal with them, and in such a manner that I works in your favor. She made me realize I too can do this, making best out of worst.
Lessons learnt:
- Not all people are bad.
- We should never let negativity get the better of us.
- Life is unpredictable. You never know, what will be the next great thing in store for you...
May God bless us all!